Uprising is back again in 2025 The Old World has returned, but this event will remain a 3-game 6th edition Warhammer Fantasy event. Come join the old grognards and roll some dice in the world that ‘is’, and always will be, Warhammer Fantasy. Location: Wendouree Table Tennis Centre, 499 Dowling St, Wendouree VIC 3355 Cost: $40 (includes Pizza Lunch). Please note; Cost includes $1 non-refundable Bank Charge. No Refunds after the 7th March, 2025. Tickets: https://square.link/u/UqyTHoDA Points: 2250, restrictions will be in the player pack (Mid January 2025) Games: 3 - scenarios to come in the player pack (Mid January 2025) Time: 2.5 Hours per game, Door Open 8:30am, First Game 9:30am. Prizes: Trophies for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, no prizes. Any prizes will be determined by numbers but at least one for Best Army. Door Prizes donated by Sponsors. Full details in player pack. Painting Requirements: There will be no painting requirements, however, Painted Models (3 Colour min.) will have the “HATRED” & “STUBBORN” rules when interacting with any unit that contains any unpainted models. For updates follow the Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/3510210582566044
2250 Points
Eureka Wargames Association