Description Can you believe we haven't had a 40k event at Guf in over a year? What is up with that!? Well, great news - the mighty Chaedi has been summoned, and she'll be hosting our first Warhammer 40,000 event of 2025! Prepare for Arc, and have a ton of fun, in this special event. The Event Chaerekh, the Silent Queen has returned to your galaxy and called a Great Reawakening! With all the renewed vigour of a high-rolled Reanimation Protocol, we are back with Warhammer 40,000 using the Pariah Nexus mission deck! Emerge from your tombs, dust off and derust with 3 rounds of 1350 point matched play. Use this as a good opportunity to come have some semi-casual, semi-serious fun, or practice for any other over-ARCing plans you may have for 40K this year. Keep in mind that these missions will count as Strike Force missions. This means that any rules that care about mission size will run off Strike Force values. For example, the Daemonic Pact rule from Index: Chaos Daemons will allow for 500 points of allied daemons! We will also be using the changes and missions outlined in the Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion and Balance Dataslate. Battle ready score will be enforced with a small twist: you'll only need to have half your army painted (based on points) to achieve them! This means you'll still score the full 10 battle ready points if you have that one unit you want to try but aren't sure about painting, or if you're only halfway through your army project. What you will need to bring: • Your rules • Dice • Tape measure • A 1350 point army • Pariah Nexus mission deck • A way to record your score during your games • A great attitude and a willingness to have fun Useful links: • Balance Dataslate • Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion • Core Rules Updates and Rules Commentary Rounds and Missions Round 1:Mission E (Take and Hold, Prepared Positions, Hammer and Anvil) Round 2:Mission M (Purge the Foe, Rapid Escalation, Crucible of Battle) Round 3: Mission S (Lynchpin, Raise Banners, Dawn of War) There will be prizes based off of standings (wins/losses, then strength of schedule, then points) and a favourite army chosen by Chaedi’s very biased opinions on presentation - not necessarily the best painted army, just the one she thinks is coolest! FAQ's Are we treating bottom floor windows as "filled in" or "boarded up"? We will be doing this as it has been, as usual, requested. At this point, I'd say the only reason we haven't boarded up the windows on our terrain sets would be because it's not aesthetically pleasing. What if I can't find a pack of Pariah Nexus cards on time? There's a bit of a struggle finding these! Preferably you will have your own cards on you, but each set has enough cards for two players and the Tabletop Battles app is a good alternative so we should be able to make do if a few people are willing to share with their opposnentWe will have printouts of the mission rules ready at each table as well. Are we using the new Aeldari/Imperial Guard codices? Yes. Can I use X model for Y? Please come and ask on the Discord. We will have to decide model by model, but if you message Chaedi FT there's a good chance she's happy to approve. How are we setting up terrain? We will be approximating the layouts from the Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion.How many players maximum for this tournament?16.
1350 Points
Chaedi (Mini Myths)